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Hoa Binh province: Success from a mixed crop-livestock farming model

Update: 08 Sep 2018

Mr. Dinh Duc Chien in his family\'s orange and pomelo orchard

(VNFU Website) - This is the model that helped Mr Dinh Duc Chien (Ong Hamlet, Nam Phong commute, Cao Phong District) earn hundreds of millions of VND per year.

Recognizing that the local area has favourable climate and soil for economic development, in 2007, he tested planning white sugar-cane on his family's hill land. After the first crop, his family had good income and continued to succeed in the next harvest. Seeing the benefits from growing sugar-cane, he invested in expanding the area, buying more hills of adjacent households to grow sugar-cane and fruit-trees. At the same time, he also raised hogs and buffaloes to increase income for his family.

Up to now, his family has over 10 hectares of hill including 5 hectares of sugar-cane, 2 hectares of orange, more than 100 red pomelo, 115 items of red flesh dragon fruit with the selling price of 17,000 - 20,000 dong per kilograms. Orange and pomelo orchards enter their fourth year and will be harvested about 2000 red pomelos and 30 tons of orange as he estimated.

Mr Chien said: "White sugar-cane is suitable for Nam Phong soils, so they are growing very well, easy to plant and take care. In 2017, at the beginning of the crop, the selling price is ranging from 7,000 to 8,000 dong per tree, the main crop is 5,000 dong per tree. Therefore, our family income was over 300 million dong after deducting expenses."
With these efforts, in 2017, Mr Chien was awarded the certificate of "Excellent Farmer" by the Executive Board of the Provincial FU. He is a good example for people to learn and follow.

Dinh Thuy- Hoa Binh Agricultural Extention Center / Translated by My Linh

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