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Diem Uyen - HUPHAVET

Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Gastrointestinal and respiratory infections in cattle and poultry.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Special treatment of diarrhea, pneumonia caused by different causes. Improve resistance, prevent stress.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Blood sugar parasites, dry feet, swollen head, face edema in chickens. Diarrhea with fresh blood, waxy stools, viscous stools, yellow and green stools in cattle and poultry.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

ORT, CCRD, Salmonella E. coli.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Paralysis before and after calving. Fight constipation. Fight rickets, create a skeleton. Epilepsy, convulsions piglets, sows, dogs.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Vitamin supplements, amino acids. Detoxification. Steess after vaccination.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Pneumonia, atrophic rhinitis, metritis, mastitis, arthritis.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Prevents heat, dehydration. Prevents hemorrhage. Detoxification. Prevents asthenia.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Sputum liquidation, cough relief, ease of breathing.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Urticaria, dysentery, E.Coli, Salmonella.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Weight gain, super fast fattening for buffaloes-cows-goats: butt enlargement, shoulder enlargement, silky hair, firm meat, fast slaughter. Plenty of milk. Good breed wool.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Watery diarrhea.
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