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Update: Sep 05, 2023 - 09:31 (GMT+7)

Main uses Iron supplementation and prevention of anemia in young animals.
Ingredients Fer Dextran: 10g
Vitamin B12: 8mg
Sufficient solvent: 100ml
Functions - Increases 1-2kg of body weight/head.
- Prevention: piglets with white feces.
- Prevention of diarrhea caused by iron deficiency in piglets, calves, dogs, cats.
- Prevention of anemia: fluffy, white cattle, after injection 5-7 days will have smooth pink skin.
Directions-Dosage Intramuscular injections:
- Piglets 1-2ml/head, repeat after 1 week.
- Calves 5 days after birth: inject 2-5ml/child.
Drug discontinuation time No
Storage conditions Dry place with temperature below 30oC.
Packages 20ml, 100ml
Registration number UHN-79
Diem Uyen - HUPHAVET

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