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Update: Sep 01, 2023 - 22:22 (GMT+7)

Main uses Treatment of flu, analgesic, antipyretic heat due to heat stroke.
Ingredients Paracetamol: 10g
Sufficient excipients Glucose, Vitamin C, B2: 100g
Functions The drug has an analgesic, antipyretic effect.
Can be used in combination with appropriate antibiotic therapy in the treatment of bacterial diseases causing fever and inflammation phenomena such as: respiratory infections; milk fever in pigs; arthrosis, inflammation of the nails in cattle.
Directions-Dosage Mix in water for drinking or mix into food for 3-4 days.
- Chickens, ducks, geese, quail: 1g/5kg body weight or mix 1g/liter of drinking water.
- Pigs and cattle: 1g/10kg body weight or mix 1g/kg feed.
Drug discontinuation time 1 day before slaughter.
Storage conditions Dry place with temperature below 30oC.
Packages 10g, 20g, 100g, 1kg
Registration number UHN-98
Diem Uyen - HUPHAVET

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