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Update: Sep 01, 2023 - 21:57 (GMT+7)

Specialties - White feces, typhoid in piglets.
- White feces, green feces, yellow feces, adhesions in poultry.
Ingredients Nofloxacin: 10g
Sufficient solvent: 100ml
Functions - Chickens with wings, dark crests, feces with a lot of mucus, feces sticky to the anus. Chickens have poor appetite, difficulty walking, die quickly.
- Ducks, moody geese, sore eyes, distorted eggs, squeaking, diarrhea white feces, green feces.
Directions-Dosage Mix in water for drinking or drip directly into the mouth.
* Therapeutic dose: use 4-5 days.
- Chicken, duck, geese: 1ml/10kg body weight/day. Or mix 1ml/liter of water. Direct drops: 1-2 drops/child.
- Pigs: 1ml/10kg body weight/day. Direct drops: 4-5 drops/child.
* Prevention dose: used half of the therapeutic dose 3 days/month.
Drug discontinuation time Take meat 7 days.
Storage conditions Cool, dry place with temperature below 30oC.
Packages 10ml, 50ml, 100ml
Registration number UHN-34
Diem Uyen - HUPHAVET

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