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Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Swine asthma (difficulty coughing, abdominal breathing).
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Swine asthma (difficulty coughing, abdominal breathing).
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Acute typhoid (cyanosis of the ears, cyanosis of the snout), pasteurellosis, pneumonia.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Diarrhea, bloating, flatulence. Pneumonia. Hematoma
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Blood sugar parasites, dry feet, swollen head, face edema in chickens. Diarrhea with fresh blood, waxy stools, viscous stools, yellow and green stools in cattle and poultry.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Reduces fever, relieves pain, increases resistance.