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E-10,000 U

E-10,000 U

Update: Sep 03, 2023 - 13:02 (GMT+7)

Diem Uyen – HUPHAVETDiem Uyen – HUPHAVETDiem Uyen – HUPHAVET

E-10,000 U

Product E-10,000 U
Specialties Rudder, Pasteurellosis avium, due to E. coli, typhoid.
Ingredients Enrofloxacin HCl: 10g
Sufficient solvent: 100ml
Functions The drug contains an active ingredient Enrofloxacin, which has a spectrum of action to thoroughly destroy gram (+), gram (-) bacteria that cause severe diarrhea in poultry and cattle.
- Poultry diarrhea, yellow feces with foam due to E. coli, white feces sticking to the anus due to Salmonella, viscous pink feces due to E. coli + Salmonella grafting.
- Swelling of the head of the face, dark crest, dry legs, polio.
- Piglets diarrhea white feces.
- Calves, diarrheal enteritis.
Directions-Dosage Mix with drinking water.
* Therapeutic dose:
- Poultry: 1ml/2 liters of water/3-5 days.
- Pigs: 1ml/10-15kg body weight/day/3-5 days.
- Calves: 1ml/10kg body weight/day/3-5 days.
* Prevention dose: equal to 1/2 of the therapeutic dose, used 3 days/month.
Drug discontinuation time Get meat 7 days.
Storage conditions Dry place with temperature below 30oC.
Packages 100ml, 500ml, 1liter
Registration number UHN-74
Diem Uyen - HUPHAVET
Diem Uyen – HUPHAVET

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