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Update: Sep 05, 2023 - 14:08 (GMT+7)

Specific Treatment - Typhoid, pasteurellosis, fever.
- Inflammation of the respiratory tract, coughing a lot, lying down with shortness of breath, refusal to eat for unknown reasons.
Ingredients Florphenicol: 10g
Oxytetracyclin HCl: 5g
Sufficient solvent: 100ml
Functions Treatment of acute and chronic bacterial infections. Gram (-), Gram (+) bacteria. The bacteria are susceptible to Florphenicol and Oxytetracycline.
Treatment of paratyphoid diseases; venteric, diarrhea, dysentery. white feces, green feces, viscous feces stained with blood; vpulmonary iem, bronchitis; sepsismounds; stamped; smilk sauce; asthma(CRD).
Best of use in case of animal fever, unexplained refusal to eat.
Directions – Amount of using Intramuscularly, subcutaneously. Take for 3-5 days.
- Buffalo, cow, horse: 1ml/15-20kg body weight/day.
- Pigs, goats, sheep, dogs, cats: 1ml/7.5-10kg body weight/day.
- Poultry: From 2-4 weeks old: 0.25ml / animal. From 4-8 weeks of age: 0.5ml/animal. Over 8 weeks of age: 1ml/animal.
Drug discontinuation time 28 days before slaughter.
Storage conditions Dry place with temperature below 30oC
Packages 20ml, 100ml
Registration number UHN-92
Diem Uyen - HUPHAVET

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Diarrhea green, white, viscous stools.

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Special treatment for dogs and cats: Diarrhea, dysentery, blood, vomiting, high fever, arthritis. Watery diarrhea, bloody dysentery, ileitis.