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{ vitamin }

Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Special treatment of diarrhea, pneumonia caused by different causes. Improve resistance, prevent stress.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Increase resistance, vitamin supplements help to gain weight, breed quickly.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Detoxify livers, kidneys. Vitamin supplements, amino acids, sorbitol.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Replenishment of beneficial microorganisms, vitamin, enzyme. Antibiotic-resistant, heat-resistant form of enamel.
Diem Uyen HUPHAVET Trading & Manufacturing animal medicine Co.,Ltd

Feed supplemented with beneficial microorganisms and vitamins for cattle and poultry.