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Update: Sep 05, 2023 - 09:38 (GMT+7)

Main uses - Prevents heat, dehydration.
- Prevents hemorrhage.
- Detoxification.
- Prevents asthenia.
Ingredients Glucose: 30g
Vitamin C: 5g
Vitamin K: 0.6%
Sufficient solvent: 100ml
Functions - Provides energy, strengthens, increases resistance for cattle when the animal is feverish, tired, or having poor appetite.
- Detoxification, diuresis in bacterial infections, mycotoxin intoxication, insecticides.
- Use in case the animal has severe diarrhea, dehydration or bleeding.
Directions-Dosage Inject intramuscularly, intravenously.
- Pigs, goats, sheep: 1ml/8-10kg body weight/day.
- Poultry: 1ml/2-3kg body weight/day.
- Buffaloes, cows, horses: 1ml/15-20kg body weight/day.
Use continuously for 3-5 days.
Drug discontinuation time Extraction of meat, eggs, milk: 3-5 days.
Storage conditions Dry place with temperature below 30oC.
Packages 20ml, 100ml
Registration number UHN-93
Diem Uyen - HUPHAVET

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